Vr Speech And Hearing Clinic is an Offline platform in Maharashtra that provides care for specially abled children - Vilas Rathod

We all know taking care of specially-abled children is very delicate work and not everyone knows how to deal with specially-abled children. Several offline care schools train people how to take care of their children who have such difficulties,

We all know taking care of specially-abled children is very delicate work and not everyone knows how to deal with specially-abled children. Several offline care schools train people how to take care of their children who have such difficulties, 

Vr Speech And Hearing Clinic is also one such platform that helps people to take care of their children. Mom’s Belief, an innovation and research-driven holistic care provider for children with any kind of emotional intelligence and developmental needs. They also support parents, professionals and caregivers of children with special needs like Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Learning Disability, Intellectual disability or any other developmental delay. To know more about the services we get in touch with Vilas Rathod, Founder, Vr Speech And Hearing Clinic. In an email & Facebook Group interaction, we have asked some of the questions on which Vilas has shared his Answer. 


What kind of services do you provide to specially-abled children?


We have dedicated clinical experts and resources to diagnose & prognosticate an array of learning difficulties or developmental issues. Along with that, we have the best-standardized clinical approach and early intervention programs. All programs and early interventions have been devised keeping in mind the Emotional Intelligence and health of all children between the age group of 3-9 years.


What is speech therapy?

Speech therapy is the science of treating disorders that affect verbal communication or speech. It is also called speech pathology. Speech therapy is a branch of medical science. Speech therapists specialize in treating speech and vocal disorders. A speech therapist diagnoses and treats people who cannot carry on a normal conversation. Speech therapy also covers difficulty swallowing issues.


Who is a speech therapist or speech therapist?

A speech therapist or speech therapist is a paramedical professional. He is also known as a speech pathologist and language pathologist. They deal in all cases related to speech and language disorders.


Some of the problems that can be corrected by speech therapy are given below.


·        Verbal Communication Disorders

·        Development Of Speech And Languages

·        Voice Related Issues

·        Patients Having Swallowing Difficulties

·        learning and intellectual disability

·        Delayed Speech Development After Birth

·        Speech Disorders Due To Brain Injuries Or Strokes

·        Speech Development Due To Cerebral Palsy

·        Speech Related Issues Due To Dementia

·        Hearing Impairment Due To Old Age


Is speech therapy for children?

 Speech therapy is beneficial for children as well as adults. In many cases, adults need the help of a speech therapist. Accidents or paralytic strokes cause speech deficits in adults. A patient suffering from a paralytic stroke is unable to use his muscles and swallow food. Speech therapy helps strengthen muscles. So they can take food and drink without any help.


What are the symptoms of speech disorder?

Given below are some of the symptoms shown by people suffering from speech disorders.

·        sound repetition (often seen in people who stutter)

·        adding extra sounds and words

·        extension of words

·        jerking while talking (usually involving the head)

·        blink several times while talking

·        Visible frustration when trying to communicate

·        taking frequent pauses while talking

·        distort the voice while talking

·        hoarseness (or gravelly voice)


Speech therapy treatment

Speech therapy treatment depends on the type and severity of the disorder. Sometimes mild disorders take care of themselves. If the disorder does not go away, it is advisable to seek treatment and start treatment.


swallowing exercises by a speech therapist

Speech therapist decides the course of treatment after proper diagnosis. Speech therapy consists of regular exercise sessions. Exercises help strengthen the muscles used for speaking. Breath control and muscle strengthening exercises help to overcome the disorder. The therapy results in normal and fluent speech.