Speech Therapy Clinics in Ahmednagar

Vilas W. Rathod At Vr Speech and Hearing Clinic

About Us

Vilas Rathod has 7 years of experience in pediatric speech language assessment and therapy for children with autism, down syndrome, apraxia, cerebral palsy, fluency disorders. She has been treating patients with utmost compassion in various hospitals and special schools of Ahmednagar city.

Expertise –

Pediatric Language disorders

Fluency Disorders

Articulation disorders

Feeding and swallowing disorders (neonatal, pediatrics, adults)

Aural rehabilitation in children post cochlear implantation and hearing aids

Professional Membership

Registered with Rehabilitation Council of India.


our vision is To be the leading network of  children's & hospitals in Maharashtra.


"Our mission is to provide quality speech-language and feeding therapy services to the pediatric population in order to enhance their verbal non-verbal communication and feeding skills. We accomplish this by identifying concerns through specialized evaluations and the development of goals to meet the needs of the child and the family."

Contact Support - 9657 588 677 - 0241 355 0228